This red-faced, happy looking chap is me after a home Calisthenics workout. But I wasn't always muscular & strong...

Throughout my teens I was skinny, weak & depressed.

I have very few pictures from that time, because I was so insecure & body conscious that I didn't want my picture taken.

This picture was around the time I decided I needed to make a change, aged 18.

I went online only to find conflicting information & freakishly big bodybuilders, trying to sell me their supplements.

I tried a local gym, but being an introvert, I didn't like how busy it was. The environment was loud & chaotic.

I'd spent 2 hours in the gym & felt liked I hadn't achieved much.

“Surely there’s a more accessible way to build muscle, without weights??”

My prayers were answered when I discovered Calisthenics.

A straight forward training method based on using your own bodyweight to build muscle & strength.

Calisthenics athletes had the ripped, athletic physiques I wanted + they were strong & flexible like gymnasts!

They were achieving these results without a gym, with next to no equipment.

In my first attempt, I struggled through 5 dodgy push ups & 1 ugly pullup.

Luckily, ALL calisthenics exercises can be scaled to suit your fitness level, I started working my way through the progressions to build up my strength.

From doing calisthenics consistently & eating a nutritious diet, I began to see MASSIVE changes.

1 year later, I’d gained 10 kilos of lean muscle & was able to do WEIGHTED pullups, with 15kg. Goodbye skinny Jack!

It felt amazing because I’d achieved this from home, without a gym membership, saving me a lot of money & time.

A benefit I didn’t expect was drastically improving my mental health. I became confident, got rid of my social anxiety & became more outgoing.

I also developed cool skills, like the muscle up, human flag handstand & front lever.

This life-changing transformation revealed my biggest passion - helping others achieve their own body transformations through Calisthenics.

I became a certified personal trainer & created the Vital Calisthenics YouTube channel to share what I learned.

Now, I feel privileged to have helped thousands of guys improve their physiques through these videos & 1-ON-1 Coaching.

As a former skinny guy suffering with depression, I understand the struggles of transforming your body.

In my 10 years of experience in fitness, I’ve  been through tons of trial & error, just to figure out EXACTLY what works.

If you’d like to avoid those struggles & get a fast-track to your best physique, subscribe to the Vital Calisthenics channel or explore one of the options below.

Send me a message telling me what you’re struggling with the most, I’d love to help you.

Stay Vital! 💪
Jack Vitality

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